5 thoughts on “Why I Serve”

  1. I’ve always been of the opinion that active duty was much easier than the reserve or national guard. We know what our job is and more than likely not, our deployments are known months if not years in advance. We don’t have to struggle with a company that doesn’t understand our other, overriding duties… even if it’s one we own.

  2. You sound eloquent and thoughtful, and obviously care about your family. My care for my family has led me to different conclusions, however. I’ve taught my children that violence is not a solution, and might does not make right. I question authority, though only after doing my due diligence to see motivations and fallacies. I do applaud your work ethic and sense of responsibility; very rare in this entitled western world. Can you imagine what would happen if you all went with shovels instead of guns?

    1. Murray: You too come across as articulate and insightful, and I very much respect your opinion. My goal was not to address the question of the need for a robust military, or on the nature of war itself (especially, the subject of whether it can be eliminated). On this latter point in particular, I have found that most of the people I serve with are the least interested in resorting to arms, at least as compared with the general population … or with decision makers in government. Indeed, I find that it is those decision makers with little or no military experience who appear the most willing to commit America to war.

      Were it possible to go only with shovels, I know most of my comrades-in-arms would gladly do so! The motivation to serve is about service and selfless effort foremost … not about the glorification of violence. To your point, might has often made wrong over the past 12+ years. And you’d find many in the military who would be the first to point that out. I find this quote from General Sherman to be instructive: (some of you) “look on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all Hell.”

      I thank you for your comment, and appreciate your perspective.

  3. Reblogged this on Don Mathis and commented:

    On this rainy July 4th, I was thinking about my Navy service in the context of Independence Day and thought I’d reblog this story on why I serve…

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